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Showing posts from February, 2022

Amshir 16 : Departure of St. Elizabeth

  Departure of St. Elizabeth, the Mother of St. John the Baptist. On this day the upright and righteous St. Elizabeth, mother of St. John the Baptist, departed. This holy woman was born in Jerusalem to a righteous father called Matthan from the tribe of Levi and from the house of Aaron the priest. Her mother's name was Sofia. Matthan had three daughters. The first was called Mary, the mother of Salome, the midwife who cared for the Virgin St. Mary during her virginal birth. The name of the second daughter was Sofia, the mother of St. Elizabeth, the mother of St. John the Baptist. The youngest daughter was St. Hannah, the mother of the Virgin St. Mary, the mother of the Savior. Therefore, Salome, Elizabeth and the Virgin St. Mary were cousins. When St. Zacharias the priest married St. Elizabeth, they lived in righteousness and holiness before God, as the evangelist said, "They were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blamel...

Amshir 15 : The Departure of St. Zechariah, the Prophet, the Consecration of the First Church Dedicated for the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste and the Departure of St. Paphnoute (Paphnotius).

  1. The Departure of St. Zechariah, the Prophet. On this day St. Zechariah the Prophet, the son of Berechiah, one of the twelve minor prophets, departed. He was from the tribe of Levi, born in the land of Gilead, and was exiled to the land of the Chaldeans. In exile, he started to prophesy, in the second year of King Darius, 520 B.C. He prophesied about "Jeshua, the son of Jozadak," and "Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel," that they would rebuild the temple. (Ezra 5:1; 6:14) He prophesied also about the entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem riding a donkey, the foal of a donkey (Zechariah 9:9); the thirty pieces of silver that Judas Iscariot received to deliver his Master to the Jews (Matthew 26:14-15); the scattering of the disciples on the night of the crucifixion; the coming of Christ in glory; and the grief of the children of Israel who did not believe in Him (Zechariah 12:10). He also prophesied about many other things. He was the prophet who was killed...

Amshir 14 : The Departure of St. Severus (AKA Saint Sawiris), Patriarch of Antioch and the Departure of St. James (Yacobus), 50th Pope of Alexandria.

   1. The Departure of St. Severus (St. Sawiris), Patriarch of Antioch. On this day of the year 538 A.D., the holy father St. Severus (AKA St. Sawiris), Patriarch of Antioch, departed. He was from Asia Minor. His grandfather, whose name was also Severus, saw in a vision someone telling him, "The child who is for your son will strengthen Orthodoxy, and his name will be after your name." When his son had this saint, he called him Severus. He was taught the Greek wisdom and church subjects. Once, the saint was strolling outside the city, a shut-in saint came out of his cave crying, "Welcome to you Severus, teacher of Orthodoxy, and Patriarch of Antioch." Severus marvelled at how he called him by his name, for he did not know him before, and how he foretold what would become of him. Severus grew in virtue and became a monk in the monastery of St. Romanus. The fame of his righteousness and his ascetic life spread out. When the Patriarch of Antioch departed, t...

Amshir 8 : The Feast of Presenting the Lord Christ in the Temple.

The Feast of Presenting the Lord Christ in the Temple. On this day we celebrate the feast of presenting the Lord Christ to the temple after 40 days of His blessed birth. St. Joseph the righteous and His mother, the Virgin Mary, presented Him in the temple, to fulfill the Mosaic Law. St. Luke the Evangelist says that when His parents brought Him according to the custom of the law, the just and devout Simeon the elder took Him in his arms and blessed God and said, "Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in peace, according to Your Word; for my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared before the face of all people, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, and the Glory of Your people Israel." (Luke 2:29-32) Simeon was one of the 70 elders who translated the Old Testament from Hebrew to Greek. This was in the time of Ptolemy Soter in the year 296 B.C., who was sent by the will of God to Jerusalem. He brought 70 men from among the learned Jewish teachers an...

Amshir 7 : The Martyrdom of St. Fabianus (Fabrianus), Pope of Rome.

  The Martyrdom of St. Fabianus (Fabrianus), Pope of Rome. On this day, St. Fabianus, Pope of Rome, was martyred. This father was a righteous scholar. He was ordained Pope for the city of Rome, so he taught his people and guided them in the way of Christian perfection. Decius, the head of the army, killed Emperor Philip, and replaced him as emperor. Decius incited a severe persecution against the Christians, and many were martyred. This infidel built a huge temple in the middle of the city of Ephesus, and erected in it idols, where he offered sacrifices to them. He then ordered to behead everyone who refused to sacrifice to these gods. When Decius knew that St. Fabianus was against the worship of idols and that he was teaching the faithful to be steadfast in their faith, he brought him to Ephesus. Decius commanded St. Fabianus to sacrifice to the idols. St. Fabianus did not yield to him and ridiculed his idols. The Emperor punished him with many tortures for a long time...

Amshir 5 : The Departure of St. Agrippinus, 10th Pope of Alexandria, the Commemoration of the Saints Anba Bishay and Anba Abanoub, the Departure of St. Apollo, friend of Anba Abib and the Commemoration of the Relocation of the Relics of the Forty-Nine Elders of the Wilderness of Shiheet (Scetis).

  1. The Departure of St. Agrippinus, 10th Pope of Alexandria. On this day of the year 181 A.D., the holy father Anba Agrippinus, 10th Pope of Alexandria, departed. This father was holy and pure and he feared God. He was ordained a priest on the church of Alexandria. When Pope Cladianus, 9th Pope departed, Anba Agrippinus was chosen Patriarch by the people and clergy of Alexandria. By the grace of God, he took over the apostolic throne of Alexandria and walked in the footsteps of the apostles. Anba Agrippinus preached the word of God and taught the principle of faith with its life-giving laws. He Guarded his flock, with all his strength, by teaching them and praying on their behalf. He did not own any silver or gold, except for what met his basic personal needs. He completed his course after 12 years on the throne of St. Mark, and he departed in peace. His prayers be with us. Amen.       2. The Commemoration of the Saints Anba Bishay and Anba Abanoub. ...

Amshir 4 : The Martyrdom of St. Agabus, One of the Seventy Disciples.

  The Martyrdom of St. Agabus, One of the Seventy Disciples. On this day, St. Agabus, one of the seventy disciples, was martyred. The seventy disciples were chosen by the Lord to go before Him to preach the gospel. St. Agabus was with the twelve disciples in the upper room on the day of Pentecost, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter. He received the gift of prophecy, as the Acts of the Apostles tells us, "And as we stayed many days, a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea. When he had come to us, he took Paul's belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, 'Thus says the Holy Spirit, so shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.'" (Acts 21:10-11) This prophecy was fulfilled. (Acts 21:17-36) He also prophesied about a famine on all the earth, and this was fulfilled during the time of Claudius Caesar, the Roman Emperor. (Acts 11:27-28) He preached the gospel...

Amshir 3 : The Departure of St. James, the Ascetic.

  The Departure of St. James, the Ascetic. On this day, St. James, the ascetic monk, departed. This father denounced the world since his childhood. He dwelt in a cave for 15 years, during which he struggled with long fasting and numerous prayers. He did not leave his cave all this time. Some followers of the evil one plotted against him, and they sent him a harlot. She decorated herself and went and entered his cave. She tried to get closer to him and flirted with him to entice him to commit sin with her. But he preached to her, and reminded her of the fire of hell, and the eternal punishments. She repented on his hand and went back to the city, thanking God, Who had compassion on her and brought her back from the way of eternal death to the way of eternal life. God performed many miracles through him. When he finished his good struggle in this life, he departed in peace. His prayers be with us, and Glory be to our God forever. Amen.

Amshir 2 : The Departure of the Great Saint Anba Paul, the First Hermit and the Departure of St. Longinus, Abbot of El-Zugag Monastery.

   1. The Departure of the Great Saint Anba Paul, the First Hermit. On this day of the year 341 A.D., the great saint Anba Paul, the first hermit, departed. This Saint was from the city of Alexandria, and had a brother whose name was Peter. After the departure of their father, they divided the inheritance between them. When his brother took the greater share, Paul's feelings were hurt, by his brother's action. He said to his brother, "Why don't you give me my rightful share of the inheritance of my father?" Peter responded, "You are a young man, and I am afraid that you might squander it. As for me, I will keep it for you." When they did not agree with each other, they went to the governor to judge between them. On their way, they saw a funeral procession. Paul asked one of the mourners about the deceased man. Paul was told that he was one of the noble and rich people of the city, and that he left his riches and his wealth behind, and that ...

Amshir 1 : The Commemoration of the Ecumenical Council in Constantinople and the Commemoration of the Consecration of the Church of St. Peter, the Seal of Martyrs.

   1.The Commemoration of the Ecumenical Council in Constantinople. On this day of the year 381 A.D., one hundred and fifty fathers assembled upon the order of Emperor Theodosius the Great, in the city of Constantinople. They assembled to judge Macedonius, Patriarch of Constantinople, and Sabellius and Apollinaris, for their blasphemy against God the Word and the Holy Spirit. When this blasphemy became widespread, the fathers of the church were concerned about the peace of the church, and made these heresies known to Emperor Theodosius. He ordered that a council be assembled, and invited Abba Timothy, 22nd Pope of Alexandria; Abba Damasus, Pope of Rome; Abba Petros (Peter), Patriarch of Antioch; and Abba Cyril (Kyrillos), Patriarch of Jerusalem. They came to the council with their bishops, except the Pope of Rome, who delegated others to attend on his behalf. When the holy council convened in Constantinople, they called upon Macedonius. Abba Timothy, Pope of Alex...

Toba 30 : The Martyrdom of Saints Pistis, Helpis, Agape, and Their Mother, Sophia.

  The Martyrdom of Saints Pistis, Helpis, Agape, and Their Mother, Sophia. On this day, the holy and blessed virgins, Pistis, Helpis, Agape, and their mother, Sophia, were martyred. St. Sophia was from a rich and noble family in Antioch. When she had these three girls, she called them Pistis, which means faith, Helpis, which means hope, and Agape, which means love. When they grew up, she went with them to Rome to teach them the worship of God and His fear. Emperor Hadrianus (Hadrian), the infidel, heard about them and he summoned them before him. Their mother preached to them, and encouraged them to be steadfast in the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ, saying to them, "Let not your determination grow faint or weak, and let not the glory of the world entice you, lest you lose the eternal glory. Be patient and persevere until you meet your Bridegroom, the Christ, with Whom you will enter into the everlasting joy." The oldest sister was 12 years old, the second was 1...

Toba 27 : The Martyrdom of St. Sarapion, the Commemoration of the Archangel Suriel, the Relocation of the Relics of St. Timothy, the Apostle and the Martyrdom of St. Abe-Fam, the Soldier (St. Phoebammon).

  1. The Martyrdom of St. Sarapion. On this day, St. Sarapion was martyred. He was a native of the City of Binosah (Babousah), a town of Lower Egypt. He was wealthy, had many possessions, and he was also a charitable man. At the time of the persecution, he heard that the governor of Alexandria, Armanius, had arrived in Lower Egypt, the northern part of the country, to torture the Christians. He went out with his friend, Theodore and another friend who was a shepherd called Thomas. They all confessed the Name of Christ before the Governor, who cast them into prison. When the people of his town heard about his arrest, they came carrying arms to kill the Governor and to free the saint. The saint constrained them and told them that he wanted to be martyred in the name of Christ and they went away. The Governor took the saint with him to Alexandria on a ship, and there he tortured St. Sarapion with the pressing wheel (Hinbazin), and threw him in a ditch filled with fire. T...

Toba 26 : The Martyrdom of the Forty-Nine Saints, the Elders of Sheheat (Scetis) & he Departure of St. Anastasia.

   1. The Martyrdom of the Forty-Nine Saints, the Elders of Sheheat (Scetis). On this day, the forty-nine elder priests of Sheheat, Martinos, the envoy of the emperor, and his son, were martyred. Emperor Theodosius the Less, the son of Emperor Arcadius, did not have a son. He wrote to the elders of Sheheat asking them to pray to God to grant him a son. St. Isidor wrote back to him saying that God did not will for him to have a son who would participate with the heretics after him. When the Emperor read the message, he offered thanks to God. Some people gave him the advice to marry another wife to have offspring from her to inherit the empire after him. He said to them, "I cannot do anything except what the elders of Sheheat demanded." He sent an envoy whose name was Martinos to consult with them about that. Martinos had a son named Zius who accompanied him on his visit to the elders in order to receive their blessings. When they arrived and the elders read the mes...

Toba 25 : The Departure of St. Peter, the Worshipper and the Martyrdom of St. Askala (Asela), the Ascetic.

  1. The Departure of St. Peter, the Worshipper. On this day, St. Peter the worshipper, departed. He was at first a tax collector, who was very cruel and had no mercy. Because of his selfishness and greed, he was nicknamed "the merciless". The Lord Jesus had compassion upon him and He wanted to turn him away from all his bad deeds. One day, God sent him a poor man to ask him for a little food, and it thus happened that his servant arrived at the same time when the poor man was standing before him, with bread. The tax collector took a loaf of bread and hit the poor man with it on his head, not as an act of mercy, but to get rid of him so that he might not come back again. That same night, Peter, the tax collector, saw a vision in his sleep, as though he was in the judgement day, where the scale of justice was erected, and he saw some people clothed in black in the ugliest forms. They came and put his sins and his injustices in the left pan of the scale. Then a gr...

Toba 24 : The Departure of St. Mary the Ascetic (The Shut-In) and the Martyrdom of Anba Bisada (St. Psati), the Priest.

  1. The Departure of St. Mary the Ascetic (The Shut-In). On this day, St. Mary the Ascetic, the shut-in, departed. Her parents were among the wealthy and noble people of Alexandria. Several of the sons of the great men in the city asked to marry her, but she declined. When her parents departed, she distributed all that they left among the poor, keeping just a modest part for herself. Then she joined a convent near the City of Alexandria, and wore the monastic garb. She exerted herself in worship for 15 years, then she put on the holy "Eskeem" and put on a garb made of hair. After she took the permission of the abbess, she shut herself in her cell, closed the door, and opened a small window in it to receive her provisions. She spent 22 years in this cell, fasting two days at a time. During the holy forty days fast (Lent), she fasted for three days, and then broke her fast on some pulses moistened with water. On the 11th day of the month of Tubah, she asked for a...